SCI fait maintenant partie de Chaîne d’approvisionnement Metro inc.!

2018 SCI Annual Meeting: Focus. Excellence. Future.

On Tuesday March 20th, the company came together for an unforgettable day of networking, participating, learning, and celebrating – the 2018 SCI Annual Meeting. The annual event got everyone aligned around the guiding principles of Focus, Excellence, Future. What lies ahead for SCI?  How we plan to make our teams even better?   How we plan […]

Top 3 Reasons for Canadian Companies to Invest in their E-commerce Teams

Ecommerce team organization

Every year, Canadian companies are faced with challenges on how to allocate their finite resources in order to achieve the highest possible return on their investments. Often times, these decisions can be extremely difficult. Many different departments within a company may present similar or equivalent opportunities for growth, making the choice of where to direct […]

Top 4 Canadian Business Logistics Challenges Explained

Logistics Challenges Faced by Canadian Businesses

Countries come in all shapes and sizes, but there’s no country quite like Canada. Canadians are used to dealing with long drives and harsh weather, but when it comes to the logistics operations of a business, things get significantly more complex than what is experienced in many other countries. Here, we will explore the top […]

How Logistics Companies Are Keeping Pace with Tech Trends

Tech trends

We tend to take technological advancements for granted a lot of the time. We all enjoy the benefits that technology provides to our businesses in terms of information distribution, analytics capabilities, communications, and operational efficiencies. However, are we truly adept at keeping pace with the advancement of technology in all areas of our business, or […]

When Your Company Should Outsource 3PL Logistics: Key Signs and Benefits

outsource 3pl logistics

When do Companies Start Thinking About Outsourcing? As all companies grow, they must continue to evolve their business processes in order to stay successful. For many, this means focusing on manufacturing efficiency, for others it means improving the customer experience, and others may need to invest heavily in product development. Each company faces a unique […]

Critical Factors in Distribution for Technology Products

Supply Chain Technology

Every industry has its own unique challenges when it comes to distribution, and the world of technology products is no exception. In fact, there are many factors that are critical to success in the distribution of technology products that must be carefully managed in order to prevent potential problems throughout the supply chain. Often, it […]

What Health and Medical Companies Need to Know About Logistics Management

healthcare logistics

Companies that serve the health and medical industry face many challenges that are unique, especially in the areas of logistics management. Due to the very sensitive nature of equipment and products, the strict quality control regulations that must be followed, and the urgency of customer needs, there are many factors that impact the success of […]

5 Logistics Trends Faced by Canadian Businesses

2017 has officially concluded, and with the end of another year comes another collection of insights and statistics that offer a critical understanding of how our world is changing. For Canadian businesses, 2017 was a year of mixed feelings. Many companies experienced a boom in business from growth in consumer confidence and increased spending in […]

Don’t Fear Returns – Embrace Them!

Returns for retail

In a perfect world, businesses would sell products and customers would go home happy and satisfied each and every time. However, we all know that the reality of retail is quite different. There are dozens of reasons why customers either choose to, or are required to, return a product. Perhaps it’s a piece of apparel […]

Amazon Business: The Brutal (Reality?) Opportunity for Manufacturers & Brands

Amazon Opportunity

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Guest post by Brian Beck, Amazon’s large investment in B2B Ecommerce is a loud call to manufacturers & brands to take advantage of this fast growing channel, or get left behind by those that do One of the top takeaways from Jim Collins’ seminal business book, ‘Good to Great’, is the observation that ‘Great’ […]

Future of Retail: The Apocalypse Has Been Cancelled

Future of Retail

It seems like the persistent narrative amongst the media across North America surrounding the retail industry has been nothing but doom and gloom lately. Many of them have pulled out all the stops on this viewpoint, even issuing the hyperbole that a retail apocalypse is inevitable.  One quick search on Google tells you “the retail […]

The Demands of Supply: How Retailers Can Seize New Opportunities

Ecommerce is expanding

  It’s said that companies don’t compete; supply chains do. How should this vital cog function in retail operations? To answer that critical question, Canadian Retailer spoke with two of the most astute observers serving the Canadian supply chain industry: Roger Sharpe and Rick Cleveland. Sharpe is a Director of Business Development, Omni-Channel Retail at […]

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