SCI fait maintenant partie de Chaîne d’approvisionnement Metro inc.!

À SCI, nos employés et nos clients nous aident à devenir encore meilleurs

SCI Culture

At SCI, we’ve been putting people first for over 30 years. Our 3,000+ employees are the reason why we are Canada’s leading business to consumer supply chain partner. We make our clients even better by working as an extension of their organization to successfully fulfill their promises to their customers. Watch the full video below […]

One Million Masks Coalition – Case Study

One Million Masks Coalition

As the COVID-19 pandemic tightened its grip on British Columbia in early 2021, the BC government implemented a mandatory face-covering policy to access both travel systems and all public spaces throughout the province. Many low-income people were faced with a dilemma: They relied on public transit to get to work, school and access essential services, […]

La culture d’entreprise de SCI figure parmi les plus admirées au Canada

SCI Most Admired Corporate Cultures

SCI is proud to share that we have been named one of Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures for 2021 by Waterstone Human Capital. This national program, now in its 18th year, recognizes best-in-class Canadian organizations for having cultures that have helped them enhance performance and sustain a competitive advantage. SCI’s culture journey started in 2017, […]

Relever les six principaux défis de la chaîne d’approvisionnement

Supply Chain Challenges Solved

In an era defined by uncertainty, it can be harder than ever for supply chain teams to operate efficiently, let alone capture competitive advantages. In addition to facing down changing regulations, trade disputes, climate change and labour unrest, leaders need to take a more holistic, strategic view of the supply chain. This means supply chain […]

Développer une stratégie de cybercommerce « nord-américaine » adaptable

Ecommerce Webinar

COVID-19 has forced millions of consumers to shop online and consequently created and reinforced new buying behaviors.  In both Canada and the USA there has been a significant increase in online commerce since the beginning of the pandemic. As a result, brands are focusing on their online presence creating direct-to-consumer (DTC) strategies, further transforming the […]

Les kiosques libre-service gagnent en popularité au Canada et ne semblent pas près de ralentir

SCI and Signifi Proprietary Research: Half of Canadian Organizations Have Increased Investment in Kiosk Technology Since 2019 TORONTO, October 7, 2021 – New proprietary research from SCI Group Inc. (SCI) and Signifi Solutions Inc. (Signifi) reveals that investment in self-service technologies is exploding as Canadian businesses seek safe distancing, touchless transactions and a simple, intuitive […]

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