SCI fait maintenant partie de Chaîne d’approvisionnement Metro inc.!

Gagnants du prix d’excellence de SCI

Every year SCI hosts award programs to recognize our employees for their contributions to SCI’s continuous improvement program. This program encourages employees to implement initiatives that benefit the company and our clients such as reducing waste, improving productivity, fostering a better work environment, or enhancing customer experience.

Que sont les services 3PL (services logistiques en tierce partie)?

What is 3PL third party logistics provider

As companies grow they encounter many challenges associated with an increased customer base, new locations, updated manufacturing methods, and other factors. For some companies, meeting these challenges with investment in capital and overhead is ultimately not the most financially viable option. Many times, it’s a better choice for these companies to look outside their walls […]

Le rôle de la technologie d’automatisation dans l’exécution des commandes en ligne des prestataires de services logistiques en tierce partie

In the increasingly digitized world of e-commerce, businesses face a growing need to be faster and more efficient. This is especially true in the realm of e-commerce fulfillment, where customer satisfaction hinges on the speed and accuracy of order processing, inventory management, and delivery. To help with these tasks, many companies rely on outside experts […]

Faire économiser des millions aux détaillants américains du web

L’article 321

Smart retailers are now looking for ways to take additional cost out of the value chain without sacrificing customer experience. One strategy where our clients are seeing strong results is cross-border shipping using the little-known Section 321 exemption.  In addition, most US Online retailers want to have the ability to expand, not only into Canada, but globally.

Guide de mise en trousse des marques de cybercommerce de santé, de beauté et de bien-être

Health and Beauty Kitting and Packaging

In the health, beauty, and wellness e-commerce market, strategies that streamline inventory management, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost sales can help brands gain a competitive advantage. One of these strategies is specialized kitting and packing services. But what exactly is kitting? How does it differ from bundling? And why is it important for health, beauty, […]

Comment simplifier la logistique de vos kiosques en collaborant avec un fournisseur de services logistiques en tierce partie de bout en bout

3PL Technical Services

Recent SCI research showed that kiosk technology plays a vital role in digital transformation strategies for Canadian organizations. Kiosks encompass technology such as check-in terminals, retail self-checkouts, ATMs, smart parcel lockers, vending machines, fast-food ordering terminals, wayfinding maps, etc.  77% of the businesses surveyed planned to include kiosk technology in their operations within the next […]

Comment l’exécution des commandes en ligne localisée et transfrontalière peut aider les entreprises à percer de nouveaux marchés

Receiving Package Last Mile Delivery

During times of economic uncertainty or recession, it is important to strategically evaluate your supply chain and see where efficiencies can be implemented. Direct-to-consumer brands can use a strategic combination of localization and south-bound shipping using the Section 321 exemption to create a North American supply chain that creates efficiencies and saves money, without sacrificing […]

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